Source code for wulffpack.icosahedron

from typing import Dict, Tuple, List
import numpy as np
from ase import Atoms
from .core import BaseParticle
from .core.form import setup_forms
from .core.geometry import (get_standardized_structure,

[docs] class Icosahedron(BaseParticle): """ An `Icosahedron` object is a generalized Wulff construction of an icosahedral particle. Parameters ---------- surface_energies A dictionary with surface energies, where keys are Miller indices and values surface energies (per area) in a unit of choice, such as J/m^2. twin_energy Energy per area for twin boundaries primitive_structure Primitive cell to define the atomic structure used if an atomic structure is requested. By default, an Au FCC structure is used. The crystal has to have cubic symmetry. natoms Together with `lattice_parameter`, this parameter defines the volume of the particle. If an atomic structure is requested, the number of atoms will as closely as possible match this value. symprec Numerical tolerance for symmetry analysis, forwarded to spglib. tol Numerical tolerance parameter. Example ------- The following example illustrates some possible uses of an `Icosahedron` object:: >>> from wulffpack import Icosahedron >>> from import bulk >>> from import write >>> surface_energies = {(1, 1, 1): 1.0, (1, 0, 0): 1.14} >>> particle = Icosahedron(surface_energies, ... twin_energy=0.03, ... primitive_structure=bulk('Au')) >>> particle.view() >>> write('', particle.atoms) # Writes atomic structure """ def __init__(self, surface_energies: Dict[tuple, float], twin_energy: float, primitive_structure: Atoms = None, natoms: int = 1000, symprec: float = 1e-5, tol: float = 1e-5): standardized_structure = get_standardized_structure(primitive_structure, symprec=symprec) symmetries = get_symmetries(standardized_structure, symprec=symprec) if len(symmetries) < 48: raise ValueError('An icosahedron can only be created with a ' 'primitive structure that has cubic symmetry') broken_symmetries = break_symmetry(symmetries, [(1, 1, 1)]) if twin_energy > 0.5 * min(surface_energies.values()): raise ValueError('The construction expects a twin energy ' 'that is smaller than 50 percent of the ' 'smallest surface energy.') surface_energies = surface_energies.copy() surface_energies['twin'] = twin_energy forms = setup_forms(surface_energies, standardized_structure.cell.T, broken_symmetries, symmetries, twin_boundary=(-1, -1, 1)) super().__init__(forms=forms, standardized_structure=standardized_structure, natoms=natoms, ngrains=20, volume_scale=_get_icosahedral_scale_factor()**2, tol=tol) # Duplicate the single tetrahedron to form a complete icosahedron # with 20 tetrahedra # Translate such that tip of the tetrahedron is in the origin min_proj = 1e12 for vertex in self._twin_form.facets[0].vertices: proj =, (1, 1, 1)) if proj < min_proj: min_proj = proj translation = - vertex self.translate_particle(translation) # Back up the vertices in a separate list # (that list is useful if creating an Atoms object) for facet in self._yield_facets(): facet.original_vertices = [vertex.copy() for vertex in facet.vertices] # Increase the distance from 111 to fill space middle = np.array([1., 1., 1.]) middle /= np.linalg.norm(middle) for facet in self._yield_facets(): for i, vertex in enumerate(facet.vertices): if np.allclose(vertex, [0, 0, 0]): continue dist = vertex -, middle) * middle facet.vertices[i] = vertex + (_get_icosahedral_scale_factor() - 1) * dist # Tilt the normal previous_normal = facet.normal facet.normal = np.cross(facet.vertices[1] - facet.vertices[0], facet.vertices[2] - facet.vertices[0]) if get_angle(facet.normal, previous_normal) > np.pi / 2: facet.normal *= -1 facet.normal /= np.linalg.norm(facet.normal) # Make 20 grains symmetries = self._get_symmetry_operations() self._duplicate_particle(symmetries) @property def atoms(self) -> Atoms: """ Returns an ASE Atoms object """ atoms = self._get_atoms() # Handle fivefold axes and twin faces separately # (they will be duplicated otherwise) max_projections_twin = [-1e9, -1e9, -1e9] twin_normals = [self._twin_form.facets[i].original_normal for i in range(3)] # Find max projections onto twin directions for atom in atoms: for i, normal in enumerate(twin_normals): projection =, atom.position) if projection > max_projections_twin[i]: max_projections_twin[i] = projection # Now identify all atoms that are # close to the maximum projection fivefold_atoms = Atoms() twin_indices = [set(), set(), set()] for atom in atoms: for i, normal in enumerate(twin_normals): projection =, atom.position) if abs(projection - max_projections_twin[i]) < 1e-5: twin_indices[i].add(atom.index) # Since they should not be duplicated we will remove them from # the atoms object eventually to_remove = list(twin_indices[0].union(*twin_indices[1:])) # Identify the central atom central_atom = list(twin_indices[0].intersection(*twin_indices[1:])) if central_atom: assert len(central_atom) == 1 for twin in twin_indices: twin.remove(central_atom[0]) central_atom = atoms[central_atom[0]] # Identify the fivefold axes fivefold_axes = [] fivefold_atoms = [] for i in range(3): fivefold_axes.append(twin_indices[i].intersection(twin_indices[(i + 1) % 3])) for fivefold_axis in fivefold_axes: fivefold_atoms.append(atoms[list(fivefold_axis)]) for ind in fivefold_axis: for i in range(3): twin_indices[i].discard(ind) twin_atoms = [] for twin in twin_indices: twin_atoms.append(atoms[list(twin)]) del atoms[to_remove] tetrahedron_atoms = atoms.copy() # Increase the distance from 111 for each vertex to fill space middle = np.array([1., 1., 1.]) middle /= np.linalg.norm(middle) for atoms in [tetrahedron_atoms, *twin_atoms, *fivefold_atoms]: for atom in atoms: if np.allclose(atom.position, [0, 0, 0]): continue dist = atom.position -, middle) * middle atom.position = atom.position + (_get_icosahedral_scale_factor() - 1) * dist # Make 20 grains symmetries = self._get_all_symmetry_operations() new_positions = [] # Add the "bulk" of each tetrahedron base_tetrahedron = np.array([1., 1., 1]) new_positions += _get_unique_coordinates(tetrahedron_atoms, symmetries, base_tetrahedron) # Add the atoms on the 30 twin boundaries base_twin = np.array(sum(atom.position for atom in twin_atoms[0])) new_positions += _get_unique_coordinates(twin_atoms[0], symmetries, base_twin) # Add the atoms along the fivefold axes base_fivefold = np.array(sum(atom.position for atom in fivefold_atoms[0])) new_positions += _get_unique_coordinates(fivefold_atoms[0], symmetries, base_fivefold) atoms = Atoms('{}{}'.format(self.standardized_structure[0].symbol, len(new_positions)), positions=new_positions) atoms.append(central_atom) return atoms def _get_two_fivefold_axes(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray]: """ Identify two fivefold axes as the two vertices which are the furthest away from (1, 1, 1) (which is in the middle of the face) """ vertices = np.array(self._twin_form.facets[0].vertices) for i, vertex in enumerate(vertices): if np.allclose(vertex, [0, 0, 0]): vertices = np.delete(vertices, i, 0) break direction = np.array([1, 1, 1]) angles = [get_angle(v, direction) for v in vertices] angles, ids = zip(*sorted(zip(angles, list(range(len(angles)))))) return vertices[ids[-1]], vertices[ids[-2]] def _get_all_symmetry_operations(self) -> List[np.ndarray]: """ Get the 60 icosahedral symmetry operations in the coordinate system defined by the particle as it is currently oriented. """ fivefold_1, fivefold_2 = self._get_two_fivefold_axes() R1 = get_rotation_matrix(1 * 2 * np.pi / 5, fivefold_1) R2 = get_rotation_matrix(3 * 2 * np.pi / 5, fivefold_2) symmetries = [np.eye(3)] while len(symmetries) < 60: for S in symmetries: for R in [R1, R2]: S_new =, S) for S in symmetries: if np.allclose(S_new, S): break else: symmetries.append(S_new) if len(symmetries) == 60: break assert len(symmetries) == 60 return symmetries def _get_symmetry_operations(self) -> List[np.ndarray]: """ Construct the subset of symmetry operations that duplicates a single tetrahedron to all 20 tetrahedra. """ fivefold_1, fivefold_2 = self._get_two_fivefold_axes() symmetries = [] inversion = - np.eye(3) symmetries.append(inversion) down = get_rotation_matrix(2 * 2 * np.pi / 5, fivefold_1) symmetries.append(down) symmetries.append(, down)) for i in range(1, 5): R = get_rotation_matrix(i * 2 * np.pi / 5, fivefold_2) symmetries.append(R) symmetries.append(, R)) symmetries.append(, down)) symmetries.append(,, down))) assert len(symmetries) == 19 return symmetries
[docs] def get_strain_energy(self, shear_modulus, poissons_ratio): """ Return a strain energy as estimated with the formula provided in A. Howie and L. D. Marks in Phil. Mag. A **49**, 95 (1984) [HowMar84]_ (Eq. 23), which assumes an inhomogeneous strain in the particle. Warning ------- This value is only approximate. If the icosahedron is heavily truncated, the returned strain energy may be highly inaccurate. Parameters ---------- shear_modulus Shear modulus of the material poissons_ratio Poisson's ratio of the material """ eps_I = 0.0615 strain_energy_density = 2 * shear_modulus * eps_I ** 2 / 9 strain_energy_density *= (1 + poissons_ratio) / (1 - poissons_ratio) return strain_energy_density * self.volume
def _get_unique_coordinates(atoms: Atoms, symmetries: List[np.ndarray], base_element: np.ndarray) -> List[np.ndarray]: """ Duplicate atoms with a list of symmetries, but avoid putting atoms on top of each other. atoms Atoms object to duplicate symmetries List of symmetry elements to act on atoms with base_element An vector in Cartesian coordinates. If two symmetry elements carries this vector to the same position, one symmetry element will be skipped. Returns ------- A list of Cartesian coordinates with new atomic positions, including the original ones. """ unique_coordinates = [] symmetrical_elements = [] for R in symmetries: element =, base_element) if is_array_in_arrays(element, symmetrical_elements): continue else: symmetrical_elements.append(element) for atom in atoms: unique_coordinates.append(, atom.position)) return unique_coordinates def _get_icosahedral_scale_factor(): k = (5 + np.sqrt(5)) / 8 return np.sqrt(2 / (3 * k - 1))