Source code for wulffpack.core.form

from typing import List, Dict, Union
import numpy as np
from .facet import Facet
from .geometry import (is_array_in_arrays,

[docs] class Form(): """ A `Form` object contains all facets that are equivalent by the symmetry of the system under consideration. For a cubic system, this means that the form with Miller indices {100} will contain the facets with normals [100], [-100], [010] etc. Parameters ---------- miller_indices Miller indices for a representative member of the form. energy The surface energy per area for a facet in this form. cell The cell, with the basis vectors as columns. symmetries Symmetry elements of the system. If symmetry is broken by, e.g., the presence of an interface, this list should only contain the symmetries surviving. parent_miller_indices If symmetry is broken, it may still be of interest to know what its form would be had not the symmetry been broken. This attribute contains the Miller indices for a representative of such a form. """ def __init__(self, miller_indices: tuple, energy: float, cell: np.ndarray, symmetries: List[np.ndarray], parent_miller_indices: tuple): self.miller_indices = miller_indices = energy self.parent_miller_indices = parent_miller_indices # Create all facets belonging to this form self.facets = [] used_normals = [] reciprocal_cell = np.linalg.inv(cell).T normal =, self.miller_indices) normal_scaled = np.linalg.solve(cell, normal) for R in symmetries: new_normal_scaled =, normal_scaled) new_normal =, new_normal_scaled) array_index = where_is_array_in_arrays(new_normal, used_normals) if array_index == -1: # Then we found a new facet self.facets.append(Facet(normal=tuple(new_normal), energy=energy, symmetry=R)) used_normals.append(new_normal) else: # If the facet was already there, save instead the # symmetry operation that took us there facet = self.facets[array_index] assert np.allclose(facet.normal, new_normal / np.linalg.norm(new_normal)) facet.symmetries.append(R) @property def area(self) -> float: """Returns the total area of the facets in this form.""" return len(self.facets) * self.facets[0].area @property def surface_energy(self) -> float: """Returns the total surface energy of the facets in this form.""" return len(self.facets) * self.facets[0].surface_energy @property def volume(self) -> float: """ Returns the total volume formed by pyramids formed by each facet and the origin. """ return len(self.facets) * self.facets[0].get_volume() @property def edge_length(self) -> float: """Returns the length of all facets in the form.""" return len(self.facets) * self.facets[0].perimeter_length
def setup_forms(surface_energies: Dict, cell: np.ndarray, symmetries_restricted: List[np.ndarray], symmetries_full: List[np.ndarray], twin_boundary: Union[List, tuple] = None, interface: Union[List, tuple] = None, tol: float = 1e-6) -> Dict: """ Create an adapted dictionary of surface energies based on the symmetries specified. This function is relevant for polycrystalline particles, the crystal structure of which possess higher symmetry than the grains they are made from. A decahedron, for example, is made of five FCC grains. FCC, being a cubic crystal lattice, has 48 symmetry elements, but the grain is one of five and has much fewer symmetry elements. This means that there are multiple facets that would belong to the {111} form had not the symmetry been broken. In the decahedral case, there are thus three inequivalent families of facets that in the cubic case would all have been equivalent facets belonging to the {111} form. These three families are, respectively, the twin facets, the usually large facets "on top and underneath" the particle as well as the re-entrance facets(the "notches"). All of these will get their own key in the dictionary, describing a representative member of the form. Parameters ---------- surface_energies keys are either tuples with three integers (describing a form in the cubic case) or the string `'twin'`/`'interface'`, values are corresponding surface energies cell the basis vectors as columns symmetries_restricted the matrices for the symmetry elements in the broken symmetry symmetry_full the matrices for the symmetry elements in the case of full symmetry (for example the 48 symmetry elements of the m-3m point group) twin_boundary Miller index for a twin boundary if there is one interface Miller index for an interface(to a substrate for example) tol Numerical tolerance when checking if energies are identical Returns ------- dictionary keys are tuples describing the form(for each inequivalent form in the broken symmetry case) with three integer, values are corresponding surface energies """ reciprocal_cell = np.linalg.inv(cell).T forms = [] scaled_normals = [] # To be able to identify over-specified facets ordered_facets = [] # --"-- if min(surface_energies.values()) < 0: raise ValueError('Please use only positive ' 'surface/twin/interface energies') for form, energy in surface_energies.items(): inequivalent_normals_scaled = [] if form == 'twin': if twin_boundary: forms.append(Form(miller_indices=twin_boundary, energy=energy / 2, cell=cell, symmetries=symmetries_restricted, parent_miller_indices=form)) elif form == 'interface': if interface: forms.append(Form(miller_indices=interface, energy=energy, cell=cell, symmetries=symmetries_restricted, parent_miller_indices=form)) else: if len(form) == 4: miller_indices = convert_bravais_miller_to_miller(form) else: miller_indices = form normal =, miller_indices) # Cartesian coords normal_scaled = np.linalg.solve(cell, normal) # scaled coords # Check that this facet is not symmetrically equivalent to another scaled_normals.append(normal_scaled) ordered_facets.append((form, energy)) for R_r in symmetries_full: transformed_normal_scaled =, normal_scaled) previous_index = where_is_array_in_arrays(transformed_normal_scaled, scaled_normals[:-1]) if previous_index != -1: # Then this facet is redundant. # If it has the same energy, we just skip it, # otherwise we need to throw an exception. if abs(energy - ordered_facets[previous_index][1]) > tol: raise ValueError( f'The Miller indices {form} ' f'are equivalent to {ordered_facets[previous_index][0]} ' 'by symmetry. If your system is such that they should be ' 'inequivalent, please specify a primitive structure with ' 'the appropriate point group symmetry or provide a ' 'custom set of symmetries.') else: break else: # Then this facet is not symmetrically equivalent to another. # Now we need to look at all symmetrically equivalent versions # and check whether broken symmetry makes them inequivalent. for R_r in symmetries_full: transformed_normal_scaled =, normal_scaled) for R_f in symmetries_restricted: if is_array_in_arrays(, transformed_normal_scaled), inequivalent_normals_scaled): break else: transformed_normal =, transformed_normal_scaled) miller = np.linalg.solve(reciprocal_cell, transformed_normal) rounded_miller = np.round(miller) assert np.allclose(miller, rounded_miller) rounded_miller = tuple(int(i) for i in rounded_miller) forms.append(Form(miller_indices=rounded_miller, energy=energy, cell=cell, symmetries=symmetries_restricted, parent_miller_indices=form)) inequivalent_normals_scaled.append(transformed_normal_scaled) return forms def convert_bravais_miller_to_miller(bravais_miller_indices: tuple) -> tuple: """ Returns the Miller indices(three integer tuple) corresponding to Bravais-Miller indices(for integer tuple). Paramters --------- bravais_miller_indices Four integer tuple """ if sum(bravais_miller_indices[:3]) != 0: raise ValueError('Invalid Bravais-Miller indices (h, k, i, l), ' 'h + k + i != 0') return tuple(bravais_miller_indices[i] for i in [0, 1, 3])